Re-skilling displaced workers is essential for a post-COVID 2021 recovery. But rapid reskilling requires a radical rethink as to how training should be done. Alelo is adapting its revolutionary avatar training technology to meet the urgent need of reskilling the workforce in half as much time as traditional methods.

Since its inception, Alelo has been developing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that help people quickly learn new skills. Alelo’s language training courses have helped military members quickly develop communication skills in foreign languages, reduce tensions in conflict zones, and even save lives. Our cultural training courses, which quickly impart useful cross-cultural skills, are required training for personnel deploying to over 80 countries.

Now we’ll use our patent-pending artificial intelligence (AI) technology and know-how to help workers re-enter the workforce in 2021.

We are focusing our attention first on healthcare where there are intensifying workforce shortages. As we emerge from the pandemic, there will be a huge need for public health workers to trace COVID-19 contacts, to promote vaccination compliance, and to monitor patients who are immunocompromised and unable to receive a vaccine. Certificate programs in public health can take a year or more to complete, and so are unlikely to turn out skilled workers fast enough. We aim to cut that training to six months or less. Then we’ll turn our attention to hospitality and retail.

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