Dr. Kinga Petrovai of “The Art and Science of Learning” podcast articulates that one of the greatest challenges in learning new skills is putting them to practice in real scenarios. In this podcast, Dr. Lewis Johnson, CEO of Alelo, discusses how avatar-based artificial intelligence (AI) not only allows learners to practice what they learn in real scenarios while learning competencies, but also eliminates the risks associated with traditional on-the-job training.

In the 45-minute podcast you’ll learn how:

  1. Avatar-based AI speeds situational learning and reduces mistakes made in the field
  2. Simulations build confidence in employees while real-world on-the-job training can lead to insecurities
  3. AI assesses employee competencies and delivers personalized instruction
  4. AI-driven avatars differ from chatbots
  5. Alelo helps underserved communities with its technology
  6. Industries use Alelo’s Enskill® technology

You can listen to the podcast here.

Alelo was a runner-up in the 2021 International E-Learning Awards and is a qualified team in the XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling competition.

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