WholeStory, Career Path Services, and Alelo are participants in the $5M global XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling competition sponsored by New Profit. Until now, the three organizations represented two of the final five teams in the competition: Team Dignified Work (Career Path Services and WholeStory) and Team Alelo. Now Team Alelo is rolling into Team Dignified Work, further strengthening the combined team’s ability to address core problems in workforce development and leaving only four finalists in the competition.

“This collaboration brings together three organizations with synergy and complementary offerings, which together will serve job seekers and employers in a powerful new way,” says WholeStory Co-Founder and CEO John Roach.

Alelo’s AI-driven Enskill upskilling and reskilling platform helps trainees rapidly develop the competencies they need to succeed in the workplace. Dignified Work’s WholeStory platform helps trainees qualify and apply for jobs by highlighting the critical soft skills gained through work and life experiences. And Career Path Services leverages deep community ties and human-centered solutions to unite trainees and employers in the public workforce system. Together, the companies combine technology and know-how to address the complete workforce development pipeline, from participant recruitment through training, job placement, and retention.

Before merging, Team Dignified Work and Team Alelo operated in different regions of the United States–the Pacific Northwest and California respectively. Now the merged team will serve the entire West Coast. “By demonstrating that our solutions operate in each other’s regions we are setting the stage for nationwide expansion of the combined solution,” comments Alelo CEO Lewis Johnson, PhD. 

The teams were introduced to each other by the Hampton Roads Workforce Council (HWRC) while they were training workers in the Hampton Roads region of Virginia as semifinalists. The teams began collaborating and sharing information informally, setting the stage for the merger. “Our newly-merged team demonstrates what’s possible when innovation and access collide. We’re grateful to HRWC and XPRIZE for setting a stage where like-minded companies can interact. We now hope to create a wide open door for job seekers to leap into and employers to embrace,” states Nathan Mazzuca, Career Path Services Regional Director of Western Washington.

The winner of XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling sponsored by New Profit will be announced in January 2023.

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