Alelo’s FlashFunders offering is a private placement that is eligible for investment through self-directed individual retirement accounts (IRAs). For investors who have accumulated funds in their retirement accounts, this may be an option worth considering.

To invest in a private placement using your funds in your IRA you need a so-called self-directed individual retirement account, where you make the investment decisions. We work with Polycomp, a firm that specializes in self-directed individual retirement accounts. Dan Burgin at Polycomp can help you set up an account and transfer funds into it if you are interested. Polycomp and FlashFunders, where our private placement is hosted, are prepared to process your investment as efficiently as possible.

You may also want to consider using a Roth IRA for your Alelo investment as there are other tax advantages with using a Roth IRA.

You should consult with our own financial advisor, tax advisor, or attorney to determine whether using your IRA to invest in Alelo’s private placement is right for you. Ed Kelly is one financial advisor I know who is familiar with these sorts of investments and has offered to answer any questions you may have.

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