Conversational AI vs. VR in Training

Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) both allow employees to practice real-life skills in a convenient, safe environment that simulates the real world. So which should you use for learning and development? Read on for five ways that conversational AI beats VR in employee training.

Avatars driven by conversational AI use natural language processing and speech recognition so that learners and avatars can have natural, fluid conversations back and forth. By contrast, in VR a learner moves and acts within a scene but does not interact in a way that personalizes the conversation or outcome. The back-and-forth interaction between a learner and an AI-driven avatar encourages critical thinking and knowledge retention.

Learning by Teaching and Doing
In both conversational AI and VR you learn by doing. But with conversational AI you also learn by teaching. This is known as the protégé effect, and it’s demonstrated that when teaching, learners work harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately, and apply it more effectively.
It works like this: the avatar asks the learner probing questions, feigning ignorance, while the conversational AI assesses the knowledge of the learner as they respond.

Automated Personalized Feedback
VR can personalize feedback only through human operators. This limits the scalability of VR solutions, and the quality of training can suffer if well-trained avatar operators are not available. With conversational AI, the AI is constantly assessing the knowledge of the learner and adapting avatar responses. Learners get immediate feedback in only areas needing improvement, leading to training that is far more focused and efficient.

Data to Act On
A major advantage of AI is the unbiased data it collects. This data not only allows the software to learn, but it allows organizations to identify collective gaps in employee knowledge and confidently demonstrate the impact of training programs. You won’t get these insights with VR alone.

No Specialized Equipment Costs
With both conversational AI and VR you can learn anytime, anywhere. But conversational AI avatars are just as effective on the desktop or mobile as they are in virtual reality. That means you can skip the added VR equipment cost and make training more accessible.
That’s right, conversational AI can also be integrated into virtual reality. Most VR training providers just don’t have the expertise to offer it.