Linguistic Differences Around the U.S.
Posted by Alelo | December 9, 2015

It’s easy to assume that cultures correspond to countries, but the reality is much more complex, and the same is true for languages. You probably know, for instance, that Spanish...

Alelo Announces Strategic Partnerships with O’Donnell Learn and Executive Development Associates
Posted by Alelo | December 1, 2015

Alelo Inc. has partnered with Executive Development Associates and O'Donnell Learn, two prominent companies in competency-based education and professional development, to co-develop and co-market applications for the Alelo® Workplace Coach....

Alelo Highlights at I/ITSEC Advances in Competency-Based Training and Education
Posted by Alelo | November 23, 2015

Alelo Inc. will showcase its latest advances in competency-based training and education at this year's Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando from November 30 to December 4.

Alelo Announces Competency Assessment Capability for the Alelo® Workplace Coach
Posted by Alelo | November 23, 2015

Alelo has announced a competency assessment capability for its Alelo® Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable...

Perspective-Taking Skills Essential for Workforce Diversity
Posted by Alelo | October 30, 2015

Imagine that you are in charge of promoting diversity within your organization. You promptly start recruiting people with diverse backgrounds, and initially achieve some success. But not long after you...

Alelo Receives DoD Contracts for New Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer Courses
Posted by Alelo | October 29, 2015

Alelo continues its highly successful 10-year relationship with the U.S. Department of Defense with recent contracts to develop new Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer courses (VCATs). New VCAT courses will provide...

Alelo Announces Breakthrough Solution That Closes the Gap in Workplace-Readiness and Competency Training
Posted by Alelo | October 29, 2015

Alelo announces its Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable workplace-readiness and competency training.

Here is the big headline for your blog post
Posted by Alelo | October 12, 2015

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy...

To Attract and Retain Millennial Talent, Develop Your Perspective-Taking Skills
Posted by Alelo | October 5, 2015

Suppose you have a young employee, Emily, who has been on the job for just a month. She has been working hard on a marketing report, putting in long hours....

Cultural Differences Around the U.S.
Posted by Alelo | September 29, 2015

About twelve years ago, a friend yelled at me for what he saw as constant interruptions. "You never let me finish talking," he said. I was confused. When had I...