23 November 2015
Alelo Highlights at I/ITSEC Advances in Competency-Based Training and Education

Alelo Inc. will showcase its latest advances in competency-based training and education at this year's Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando from November 30 to December 4.

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23 November 2015
Alelo Announces Competency Assessment Capability for the Alelo® Workplace Coach

Alelo has announced a competency assessment capability for its Alelo® Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable workplace readiness and competency training.

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29 October 2015
Alelo Receives DoD Contracts for New Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer Courses

Alelo continues its highly successful 10-year relationship with the U.S. Department of Defense with recent contracts to develop new Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer courses (VCATs). New VCAT courses will provide cultural awareness training for the Levant, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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29 October 2015
Alelo Announces Breakthrough Solution That Closes the Gap in Workplace-Readiness and Competency Training

Alelo announces its Workplace Coach, an employee-development breakthrough that allows private and public organizations to provide all their workers with highly effective, affordable workplace-readiness and competency training.

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24 July 2015
Alelo Selected for Military Training Technology’s 2015 Top Simulation & Training Companies List

Alelo has been selected for Military Training Technology's 2015 Top Simulation & Training Companies list. Companies featured on the list for 2015 are from around the world and have made significant impacts on the military training and simulation industries across a vast array of technologies. These companies’ products allow U.S. airmen, Marines, sailors, soldiers and...

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Alelo's VRP enhances with commercial game engines with Virtual Role-Play training capabilities.
25 June 2015
Alelo VRP for NATO Joint Training

NATO ACT (Allied Command Transformation) has ordered Alelo’s VRP® MIL product for use at the NATO Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC) in Bydgoszcz, Poland. JFTC plans to use it to prepare NATO personnel for key leader engagements in Afghanistan, as part of the Resolute Support 15-3 training exercise in July. VRP enhances with commercial game...

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